Pronunciation: \(ˌ)əp-ˈset\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): up·set; up·set·ting
Date: 1677
3 a: to trouble mentally or emotionally : disturb the poise of b: to throw into disorder c:invalidated: to defeat unexpectedly I've never been able to express my upset emotion well. I either overreact or under-react and I'll be the first to admit: neither are proper. My expressions now: Singing, Cleaning, Writing, Doodling...
Coming from being a person to argue via texts, hangups, and name calling, I don't know how else to tell a person "I'm upset" without actually making them upset at me. The verbiage and expressions just aren't there. #KanyeShrug
*Back to singing*
Now playing: BEYONCE - Beyonce - Wishing On A Star
via FoxyTunes
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