Granted, I have been there, done that, and no…I will never again.
Their side is: Why wouldn’t I want to know whether or not my guy is cheating? I deserve to know. I need to know whether I’m wasting my time.
My side: “Ignorance is Bliss”.
I wouldn’t want to ruin my happiness even if it was there. Not to say if something was thrown in my face I would ignore it, but, I’m not going to panic over “what if’s”…
If he puts his phone on silent, then he does. If he doesn’t answer the phone, he doesn’t want to. If he doesn’t call, he’s busy. He’s doing something he either needs, or wants to do. Question is: What are you doing? He’s giving you space to do things you want or need to do, respect his time.
(Same Goes For Man v. Woman)
As for wanting to know whether or not I’m wasting my time: Save it. If I am happy, then I’m sufficient in my ignorance. My happiness will never be a waste of my time. A waste of time would be finding passwords, cracking codes, etc. #DoingTooMuch!!!
A lot of people waste their time and energy raveling through things to find what may or may not be there.
Be Grown: Worry About Thy Own, and You’ll See That You’re Fulfilling Each Day With Bliss.
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