- One time of pain can cause a mountain of struggle to hike through.
- One moment of happiness can be passed on to the next.
- One break-up can cause pain forever.
- One title can create a power couple.
- One stumble can cause a broken bone.
- One cast can mend a bone.
- One argument can cause the question of love between two people.
One touch can eliminate the hurt that it caused. - One doubt can cause paranoia.
- One trust having person can be a great asset.
- One moment can either cause, or be the result of another. Either way it goes... Be careful how a situation ends up... So make sure that all situations are at ease and resolved before assuming that the one situation hasn't made the other uncomfortable. One thought before One action can change One situation and prevent One cycle of emotion from evolving the wrong way.
- One broken heart can be fatal.
Disclaimer: Do Not Be Offended by this Blog. With that in mind remember: If I have offended anyone, I care not to know, and please know... That I Do Not Care.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
"One "
Monday, December 28, 2009
"The Kid"
A non-habit having , carefree, kid again. A ride-bike, tree-climbing, fall off, no-cry kid again. Because now, the 'no pain, no gain' rule applies to all situations and relationships.
You have to cry to pry open the gate labeled 'Moving Forward'.
You try not to lie, yet honest lives lead to denial of the real reasons why you tried to pry the gate in the first place.
You deny that you tried because you cared & loved, in fear of losing pride and gaining judgments.
I wish I was a kid again.

An action-high, all smile kid again. A no-pride, no fear, no hide, kid again.
Because now instead of monsters in the closets to spray away, we have imagined walls built around hearts.
Grown ass men and women too scared to lower, too weak to break. Instead of crushes and first kisses on playgrounds, we have turned the cute 'Puppy Love' story into a Blood Sport called plain old 'Love'.
I wish I was a kid again, the grown up shit is for the birds.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
2009 Closing Thoughts
I feel like I've been given a chance to 'start over'...
The people in my life are as positive as it gets. Not to mention that I have found a sense of stability and consistency.
I still have to work on some things, such as confidence in the relationships that I am involved in...family, friends, etc...
But my trust issues, love issues, anger issues, weight issues, esteem issues...are all dealt with and are now to a level that meets my satisfaction.
SO! In 2010, I should have a great year! How About You?!
(May Add More Later :) )
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Emotion: Anger

I've never been able to express my upset emotion well. I either overreact or under-react and I'll be the first to admit: neither are proper. My expressions now: Singing, Cleaning, Writing, Doodling...
Coming from being a person to argue via texts, hangups, and name calling, I don't know how else to tell a person "I'm upset" without actually making them upset at me. The verbiage and expressions just aren't there. #KanyeShrug
*Back to singing*
Now playing: BEYONCE - Beyonce - Wishing On A Star
via FoxyTunes
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
R.I.P. Bob
Bob and I had our moments where he acted up, but I always held him down just as he held me down.
I loved my car. I am actually crying writing this blog!
Our time together wasn't long enough. I feel like I gave up on you... I'm sorry. I couldn't spend anymore money! I feel horrid! I love you Bob...And always will... RIP... I hope your new owner will love you just as much...If not, you know where to find me... I'll whoop their ass. :'(
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
"If It Means A Lot To You"
This quote doesn’t entirely mean leave them. The quote means if you love them; let them do as they please.
Be something greater than the person that you were when you loved them. Grow stronger. Smarter. A person with a broken heart should be able to stand straighter than before. Take what you’ve learned, take heed, and move ahead.
Lingering over Facebook, Twitter, etc., isn’t going to act as the glue to hold your heart together.
Talking bad about the person that your ex is dating isn’t going to act as a needle and thread to mend your relationship with that person.
Tears, panic attacks, text messages, acts of frustration aren’t going to enforce walls of protection against thinking about them.
Forcing paranoia upon another isn’t going to make anyone look at you as the stronger person in the ended relationship.
Methods of release are warranted. Methods of release are suggested. Methods of madness are unnecessary.
1 year, 2 years, 4 years, 6 years… wasn’t a waste. Emotions weren’t wasted. Experiences were earned. Lessons were learned.
Now. Let. It. Go.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
"Ignorance is Bliss"

Granted, I have been there, done that, and no…I will never again.
Their side is: Why wouldn’t I want to know whether or not my guy is cheating? I deserve to know. I need to know whether I’m wasting my time.
My side: “Ignorance is Bliss”.
I wouldn’t want to ruin my happiness even if it was there. Not to say if something was thrown in my face I would ignore it, but, I’m not going to panic over “what if’s”…
If he puts his phone on silent, then he does. If he doesn’t answer the phone, he doesn’t want to. If he doesn’t call, he’s busy. He’s doing something he either needs, or wants to do. Question is: What are you doing? He’s giving you space to do things you want or need to do, respect his time.
(Same Goes For Man v. Woman)
As for wanting to know whether or not I’m wasting my time: Save it. If I am happy, then I’m sufficient in my ignorance. My happiness will never be a waste of my time. A waste of time would be finding passwords, cracking codes, etc. #DoingTooMuch!!!
A lot of people waste their time and energy raveling through things to find what may or may not be there.
Be Grown: Worry About Thy Own, and You’ll See That You’re Fulfilling Each Day With Bliss.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Embracing Haterism
Which is true, she is definitely not.
But it was after I told her that sometimes us as 'real' people have to realize that we have to look at haters as well... (cliche)... 'Motivators'
Take your average 'hater'. Hating because of something you have. Something that they want. Not realizing that with work and praise, you worked hard to get what you have.
So...in REALISTIC perspective... without Haters, how would you know you're doing something right?
Something you worked hard for, people start envying, and instead of asking the steps to get there.
Pray and thank God every chance you get. Love & don't mind giving anyone advice on how to get where you are. There is no reason why they can't achieve greatness. That would be a 'hater' move not to share those things. Lol... We're too blessed for that
Why spend each day in misery?
realistic adj
realistically adv
In the words of the wise: Hating is a full time job... So why do something you don't get paid to do?
The Untold Story
Notions that not even two strongest sayings in the Universe can mend two separate broken hearts.
“I’m Sorry” never holds the ventricles in place so that the “I Love You” can flow and emotions feel bliss.
Broken is Bitter.
Broken turns into ambition as an excuse for one as the other continues to love.
Broken for the other turns into judgments that ‘They’re all the same’, as the other fronts that the feelings aren’t there.
Bitter leads to tears as the two strongest sayings in the Universe are misused.
“I’m Sorry” never quiets emotion so that “I Love You” can tame the passion.
Bitter is Torn.
Bitter being the reminder for one what love has done, and how it hurt before… While sweet flavors turn to frustration for the other.
Bitter being frustration of the feeling that sweet will no longer exist after… Three years.
Torn is the feeling after the realization that the two strongest sayings in the Universe were lies of one end, and not the other.
“I’m Sorry” never stops permanent tears so that “I Love You” will have a clear definition.
Torn is one’s ambition to make the pain of prior heartbreak to go away to help void any future feelings of the same character, while the other feels obligated to make the first understand that it is able to be mended, whereas neither one of them are able to be fixed.
Torn is one’s desire to be held and having someone make the pain and emotion go away by any means necessary, while the other sees the firsts’ pain, and… reacts to block emotion with ambition, portraying false images of a ‘goal-seeker’ to peers and remaining occupied by goals as an excuse to run.
“I’m Sorry” never represses prior pains while “I Love You” only brings about painful memories of Broken, Bitter, Torn.
Your ambition appears as narcissism and laughter at my tears, while I try to repress the pain caused by your two lips uttering the two strongest sayings in the Universe and using them as lies.
Autumn Stones. Past. Present. Future. Representing each stage of life that I choose to forget. Repress. Move on. Season of Fall. Month of October. Day: Thirteenth.
So Please. Take your ambitions and live lonely and peacefully while I take my emotions and live peacefully and lonely.
Just know that “I’m Sorry… and I Love You…”