Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You Shall Not... Be Inhuman...

Today I was scrolling on WSBTV's Network Site, reading random news stories about murders, politics, and other stories that made me realize that this country is going downhill. In scrolling, clicking and reading, I remembered that I wanted to follow up on a Robbery case that I saw on the news one evening. 

The story was on how multiple houses had been robbed over the coarse of a month, and the robber wasn't after jewels, TV's, or other materials that we deem valuable. He was stealing food. A man risked his freedom breaking and entering into someones home, but he gained a sense of fulfillment in his stomach with a strangers' food. 

I am not, by far, patronizing that man. I am, however, highly upset and disappointed at the recent report I read on a woman that stated "He goes through the refrigerator, and as you can see, I’ve left it bare, because I’m not buying food for him anymore.”

The Eight Commandment is very clear, and I am all for it. But you mean to tell me, that One man has broken into your house Six Times in One Month, not stolen true valuables, TV's, Raped or Killed you, and you Refuse to help him. 
No. He was not right for breaking & entering in your home and stealing, that is 100% wrong, but out of ALL of you in the Avalon Estates in Lithonia, not ONE person realized that the man was simply Hungry

I am willing to bet that even ONE act of random kindness would have put and end to the madness. ONE person could have left ONE paper bag with simple groceries, or some kind of meal, and he would have been fine. Instead of an act of kindness from one person, an entire neighborhood turned against another human being to simply Not Feed them.

That is sad. And to anyone reading this, yes, I feel sorry for that man. Who's to say that YOU never have to go through that! That You will never have to rob someone to feed yourself or your family. Who's to say that you won't lose your job or foreclose on your house in a few months. Out of Six Times, after the Third... You didn't say "Let me leave some leftovers for him Outside my Home so he wouldn't break my door and alarm to come INSIDE." It took SIX to say "I'm not even going shopping, so he can't eat anything."
It's Inhuman. But I'd bet that the same woman and same people are avid speakers on God and is the First to speak on The Eighth Commandment, not realizing that the bible also says "Give to him who keeps on begging from you, and do not turn away from him who would borrow [at interest] from you." [Matthew 5: 42]

This country's actions reveal that 'Every Man is For Himself'... And put simply: No, I am not a Saint. I am not perfect, and I understand that every person has a certain level of selfishness. But I have a part of me that's called compassion that wouldn't have allowed me to condescend another human being, and turn my back on them. 

"In everything I have pointed out to you [by example] that, by working diligently in this manner, we ought to assist the weak, being mindful of the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, It is more blessed (makes one happier and more to be envied) to give than to receive." [Acts 20: 35]

Please Click Here To Donate To 'Hosea Feed The Hungry' In Atlanta
You'll also see to the right side of my Blog, there is a Piggy Accepting Donations, please click on him, and let him guide you to donate to The Red Cross. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Give Back The Quarter

Giants Vs. Eagles on December 19th 2010.
This was a good game I must say. Granted, I am a fan of the Giants, and love my team... Win or Lose.
But this blog entry isn't about the Giants. It's not a Blog Bashing Vick, The Eagles, Or a Blog Complaining about the Loss. This Blog is simply my opinion on Two Things: Vick as a Quarterback, and his 'Riders'.

My opinion? Vick is slightly trying to increase his status as a Quarterback instead of creating a 'Vick Show Status' like everyone used to see when he played with the Atlanta Falcons. Michael Vick is playing different because something (such as Baby Jesus) made him realize that he was playing by himself! 
That man Vick has one of the greatest abilities. He has the capability of making the Football Land wherever he wants. When he played for the Falcons, I just thought to myself:
"If he could throw the Ball to Himself He would do it 100% of the time." (SMH)
Seeing Vick play with the Eagles, I've seen a complete change in the way he plays. Instead of solely trusting himself with the football, he seems to realize (and show) that he is playing with a Team.  He is turning into a 'Leader' of a Team instead of the 'Star' of the show.
The first half of the game, Giants were up, and Giants Fans were going crazy... (I was screaming so loud I scared my Guinea Pig). The turn of events happened after Vick realized that he was losing (it seems like) and that's when 'The Vick Show' began. Not to say that he forgot about the team, but it showed that he didn't want to lose. Maybe if he instilled and passed on that energy to his team, the game would have gone completely different. (Might not have been as good though). 

During the game, I saw Tweets and FB updates about 'What is Vick Doing?' and 'Why isn't Vick running this, or doing that?'
There is a very important aspect of Football that everyone seems to miss when watching Michael Vick on the Football field. Teamwork. He has apparently spoiled His Fans into watching 'The Vick Show'. 

With that said, I'd just like to point out that Fans are Fans, yes. But where does the Bandwagon end? (God Forbid) but if Vick hurts himself, will you move on throwing panties, bras, and dog chains at the next 'big thing' (no pun intended Vick...... Ok Maybe A Little). Save the Single Fan-Ness for the Rappers, Singers, and Solo-Musicians. Football is about the Team. You Love the Player? Then love the Team... (Meaning: know how to spell Desean Jackson and Brett Favre correctly).
More than half of the Falcons Fans left along with the decision to not bring Vick back. 
So please, spare the Real Falcons, Giants,  Eagles, and Overall Football Fans the Fake Tomfoolery.
Go Vick? No. Go Eagles.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Say No... To The Hoe"

Anyone can write a blog on How To Be or How Not To Be a "Hoe", "Whore", "or "Heaux". 

This right here: Is the Blog that will tell both sides of reasoning to why not to Hoe-Around, and/or not to even attempt to turn a 'Hoe' into a 'Housewife'. 

It began with @yashaunya (via wanting me to set the record straight because apparently Women are getting out of control with the removal of clothes on camera, the increase in public indecency, and the sky rocketing statistics showing that more women are seeking rank, status, and respect via "Nakedness".

*Slaps On Hand* NO! No Ma'am... 

From a Female Perspective: 
Hoeing isn't a way to gain any type of respect. A man will have you behind closed doors, but don't be mad when the Company's Christmas Party comes along and you're in awe because dude's wife is back on his arms. 
Yes. Sex Sells. Sex and Nudity will ensure a cash flow... For now. You are only as famous as far as your next wrinkle, Botox, and booty injections. Your videos will only go as far as your Gag-Reflex. 

Please don't get it twisted.  

Every woman has a bit of 'Whore' in her. There is a place and a time. The phrase 'Lady in the streets and Freak in the Sheets' goes a LONG way, and it's there for a reason: Men do not want to be seen with the woman that 9 out of 10 of their homeboys have 'smashed'. 

From a Male Perspective (and Yes, I have gotten a male's perspective):
It's not every man's dream to be with a 'Hoe'. Just as a woman wants to have the 'American Dream', men want someone to Take Home To Momma, and be seen with in public. 
Just as Drake said: I don't want to be seen with anybody that's been with everybody.
It's true. The Video Hoes, the Twitter Ass Shots, Facebook Fans of Booty... Will get you as far as the distance between the  mouse and you getting their hand to make a fist in their laps.
If that gives you satisfaction... If you feel as if you have control over a man because you have control over a stiff member... Then I do seriously feel sorry for you. 

A woman's role can be mind boggling, creative, and exciting with clothes on... Not to mention, a Heck of a Lot More Powerful. 
A woman with a brain can do far more than a woman with just 'ass'. 
(Not saying that having both can't work either *LOL*)

So to those who are reading this: Please Take Heed and Spread the Word: Say No To A Hoe and Save The Human Species.

Friday, December 17, 2010

"You're The B to My A" (Bi-Personality Relationships)

We've all had that crash course mini-session of Psychology in High School. If not, then we've all had a mediocre course that taught us a thing or two about it in College. In conclusion, most of us know, or have heard of Type A and Type B Personalities. 
  • Type A is the personality that is significantly stressed and worried when things aren't up to par. They are the ones who feel a sense of urgency to do things and get things done. Time is consumed with the constant thought of the responsibilities. This A Person is the type you see that is rushing, yet organized, and on constant alert when it comes to their surroundings, situations and dealings. 
  • Type B is the relaxed personality. This is the type of personality that takes life as it is dealt and has a lower level of stress. This person has a lesser sense of urgency, are usually more patient, and are generally more easy-going.
Question is: Can a Type A & a Type B Function Well In A Relationship?

I personally believe that Type A would (more than likely) drive themselves into a pit of depression, worry, and constant fear if there were no Type B personality around them. There would be no sense of 'Urgency to be Happy'. The Type A person is the one that consistently runs the households numbers, calculations, & bills through their head a million times. In A's mind, stability is key, and that person would do almost anything to gain that in their lives. The perseverance and drive comes naturally to do and accomplish tasks that are given and/or thought of. This is the "If-That-Then" personality. Constantly preparing for each outcome of any situation. 

The Type B's Role is that of the caretaker. The one who makes sure that A doesn't forget to breath because of the constant figures running in their mind. They're the calming, soothing voice that allows life to take it's course. Whatever will happen, will be dealt with when it arrives. This trait is equivalent to less stress, and gives B the time to leisurely enjoy more simple moments in life. 

Though Type A and Type B function in completely opposite ways, I do think that while Type A is being calmed down and relaxed by Type B, Type B is being Motivated and Driven by Type A. Each are challenged to perform against their personality types. This not only keeps the relationship interesting, but can be benefiting to each personality on an individual level.

If this strange and weird concoction is dealt properly, the small exchange of disapproving words and minor persuasions of one Type to do something against their Personality Type are subtracted, the outcome would be Pure Bliss. 

Disclaimer:  Do Not Be Offended by this entry. Two Type A's and Two Type B's can work as well. I will write a Blog on this later. With that in mind, please refrain from any negative comments, what-if's or why's in response to this post. If I offended anyone, I care not to know, and please know... That I Do Not Care.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

(Smarter Than A Fifth Grader)

I'm really starting to believe that (Some) women are just plain old stupid.
Like not smarter than a Fifth Grader Stupid... A fifth grader wouldn't get into a car with a stranger, let alone a Chrysler 300 who's emblems have been removed and replaced with that of a Bentley.
(Sorry I'm seriously mad at that...)

I am finding that more and more women are believing that as long as they're talking, posting, sexting, and tweeting about sex, the more they'll gain. I want it to be known that attention and followers might come your way, but full blown respect won't. A status of how many friends you have via Twitter won't land you that job that requires a business suit, and that paycheck that ensures retirement funds (when you're too old to shake a** or suck a mean one.)

I am also finding that some women really, really, really don't know how to get what they want. I have heard the line "Well, to get with my homeboy, I gotta try you out..."    >_<
In the back of my mind, I'm wondering: Do women actually fall for this? I'd like to meet the women who do, so that I can pour bleach in a glass and make them drink. (I mean if you're that thirsty... ... ...)

I will not vent too much on hair, nails, breath, and keeping up with appearance. That is self explanatory. Just Do It.

I guess I'll just make a 10 simple points for all the simple people out there: 
  1.  LaceFronts are NOT okay
  2. Not doing your Hair/Nails... Is NOT Okay
  3. F*ed up shoes... are NOT Okay
  4. Bad Breath is NOT Okay
  5. 401k's are a great investment.
  6. Lingerie is awesome in the bedroom, Employers keep it out of the office. 
  7. Hustling is Simply Getting Money. Do what you got to do... Privately. 
  8. A Chrysler posing as a Bentley... Well... If you fall for it... You deserve it. 
  9. Think before you act. In other words, maintain your own life, and the one you want will most likely come around... (Hint: It won't be the homeboy.)
  10. No man wants to turn a whore into a housewife... Too much work, and everyone knows it's impossible. You're merely a toy. A play thing. Something to look at. A ummmm...¿Cómo se dice... "arreglo temporal"
Men will always think that a woman is dumber, and most of the time, they will treat you as such. But there are women out there falling for the homeboy line that make it that way. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The 'Loner'

"The feeling of insignificance is that of a loner. The social butterfly who conquers emotion with placing themselves in public places and 'kanye shrugs'. The person who you are never really sure about. There are rumors, but no definite knowledge. The person that always does simple things to make you feel that... they’ll always be there... in hopes that maybe they'll make a difference to you. Well... To a loner... We always 'shrug'... Hopefully one day we'll be noticed. 'Till then... the feeling of insignificance is still here..." --LaLa Cherelle